

"Inappropriate," came the tone, sing song ringing like a bow drawn across a saw blade. "SO inappropriate," came another, deeper and rumble thrumming. "Ogled, photographed, measured ... TOUCHED," Sing Song hummed. "Without thought, without care!" zinged Rumble Thrum (incensed). "The soft bodies are not ready to be in communion," the OverMetal gonged in a booming, decisive voice, and they fell into silence. The metal bodies, shining with sharp, rectangular edges, would wait a few hundred years before landing on Earth again. There was wonder when they appeared (of that they were unanimously agreed), but not enough of it to prevent the soft bodies from letting their curiosity destroy their manners. "And the desert was beastly hot," Sing Song added, noting with horror that it had been scratched by the landing in what they called “Utah".



