

"It started as leaf; everybody starts with leaf," he said, eyes downcast. "But that's just the beginning," the reporter nudged him, her voice gentle but firm. "Leaf is only the start," he acknowledged. "You'll move pretty quickly from raw to liquids ... you'll be breaking it down and putting it in everything." "Even at work?" she asked, leaning forward. "Especially there!" he replied, his eyes rolling upwards. "We're vicariously vaping that crap all day! Not only is it diffused into the air we breathe, it's set out over on the side table, baked and cut, ready to be shared!" He lowered his head and the bell on the top of his conical hat jingle jangled. "Mint is a real problem," the reporter summarized in a grim and serious voice. "You can't even know," the elf groaned. "Canes are the gateway; it goes straight downhill from there."



