

The devil twitched its tail. This made Brenda really uncomfortable and caused her to have some vengeful thoughts over coffee, but it didn't give a crap. "Nuts to Brenda," it hissed, fidgeting. "Is it time? IS IT TIME YET?!?" The angel would appear on the other shoulder at any moment, all glorious and bright white shining. "COME OOOOOONNNNNN," the devil groaned inwardly, flapping its leathery bat wings and picking at its horns and hooves. Brenda stretched and tried to relax her neck and upper back (so it stabbed her with the point of its tail). "Calm down, idiot," it seethed at Brenda's reflection in the mirror (and she became suddenly irrational and beyond irritated with the aging process). The devil was not spoiling for a fight, winner take all (as per usual); it had realized that it was in love with the angel and wanted to talk that through. It made no sense, but its fiery little heart skipped a beat when that flowy goodness asshole showed up and started trying to thwart the ruination of everything. "AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH," it agonized openly, and then a kind voice asked, "So, it's Talk-Like-A-Pirate Wednesday?" and a ray of sunshine spilled into the room. The devil turned with its black eyes wide to behold the angel (and Brenda sighed, making herself a promise to keep it together).



