

"I'm attracted to beings that aren't good for me," the water alien splashed salaciously. "I always have been." It batted its facial anemones and let its ocular waters flash iridescent. The camera zoomed in to catch a particularly flirtatious white cap. "I don't think I can go wrong here," the fire alien plumed, grinning from ember to ember. "Honestly, just bring it on! I eat romance for breakfast!" It laughed warmly and released sparkling ash into the air. "Well, I'm going to keep it real and stay grounded," the earth alien planted carefully. "I want something worthy - something lasting; I'm not really into playing games." It was solid and strong, but the producer snickered, swirled its eyestalks, and stopped the replay. "This is going to be the BEST cosmic reality dating show ever - and I do mean EVER!" it lorphed amusedly. "AGREED," the co-producer murgled, opening and closing its gill pipes excitedly. "What a trainwreck."



