In Memory Of: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II)

In Memory Of: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II)

She was extremely polite and accepting of the pageantry. She waved and smiled (as one does), warm to the children (especially so). She wondered if her diary was full today - if it would be full every day with the multitudes, the hosts ... she would check with her secretary to learn the appropriate terms and titles. At the end of the procession, however, there was naught but a grinning teenage girl with auburn hair who dragged her from the carriage in delight. "I have been waiting ages, Lilibet," her friend said. "Simply ages! Now that you're here, let's eat cake all day and go to the dog park." "Well, I ... ," she began carefully. "You've nothing to do until nightfall," the other whispered. "Then we'll probably have a bit of entertainment, as some idiot named Philip has been sniffing around." She caught her breath, not so much at the name, but that it accompanied a sudden sensation of wearing soft trousers and being barefoot in the grass. "I would like to go to the dog park very much," she responded slowly, trying to take it all in. And the other, the first Elizabeth (the Tudor girl), grabbed her hand tightly and pulled her along. "It takes a wee bit to get to the joy part," came the words as they rushed along, drawing nearer and nearer to all of the happy barking, "but there's time to rest, reconcile, learn, and see that amends are made. Peace reigns here, my girl." The light shone brilliantly down on the two - these flawed but dazzling diamonds, these queens of Earth.



