In Memory of Jeff Beck

In Memory of Jeff Beck

"We typically do not allow accessories, but ... well," he said (smiling). "Understood, but it's coming with me," the soul responded. "All good guitars should go to heaven." "Some are made here, then imprinted to carbon," he continued, "so we are flexible with our return policy. It's not a bother." The soul shrugged. "I'm not really worried about being a bother," it offered warmly, "as I'm not really worried about anybody's personal comfort. Had enough of that on Earth - seeing how the few dominate the many and take the most. I'm happy to be here, but we're going to have some hard conversations after I've kissed some hands in gratitude." "Welcome," Peter said, hitting the button to open the gates. "Rock and roll forever," came the reply.

In Memory of Lisa Marie Presley

In Memory of Lisa Marie Presley

