

Craig stumbled into the cave of The Moirai one day, looking for his remote Airbnb Akrilia hut retreat. The Fates greeted him with surprise and then a surprising warmth (which he did not expect), after he recognized them and very formally introduced himself. Proving himself well-studied, he remembered and used their names in his apology. Although his Ancient Hellenic pronunciation was poor, they were impressed and did not immediately clip his life thread to spare the world another idiot in progress. "We will ensure you forget this," Atropos eventually said (oh, so gently), "but, for your intelligence and respect, we will transport you magically to the place you seek and allow you to cut the thread of one enemy." Craig was blown away and bowed a couple of times. "Wow, okay," he said (pulling it together). "Thank you so much; I'm very grateful. I'm also going to pass on cutting the thread. It's not that Neil doesn't deserve to be yanked like an ingrown hair, I think a long life is punishment enough, y'know?" The Fates did know (all too well), and embraced him quickly before they removed themselves from his memory and sent him on his way.



