In Memory of Lee Sun-kyun

In Memory of Lee Sun-kyun

There were no gates, only a path leading into a humble village in the distance. A woman worked to smooth the path and, seeing the soul standing there, put her rough broom down and stepped quickly forward with words of warm welcome, her arms outstretched. The soul drew back, bowing low, the words of confusion and apology coming out garbled, the tears flowing freely. She took the soul's face in her hands and lifted it. "여기 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여러분이 정말 자랑스럽습니다," (1) she said and, as the soul fell to its knees, she held it. Others came forward, smiling and placing a hand on its shoulder; still more shook its hand and offered words of comfort and even, impossibly, humor. "리뷰가 의심스럽다고 해서 연극이 가치가 없는 것은 아닙니다," (2) one whispered, and they led the soul by the hand slowly and gently towards the village where a feast had been prepared. Brilliant beyond measure was the light that shone in all of their eyes; it was impossible not to feel seen.

(1) You are welcome here. We are so proud of you. (Korean; DeepL Translate.)

(2) The play is not unworthy because the reviews are questionable. (Korean; DeepL Translate)



