Old and New

Old and New

"Oh, here we go," it said (with a heavy sigh). The new year had come into view, moving down the street wearing a smirk and a cloak of stars; the sun shone in its eyes. "So annoying." "I greet you, Old Year," the new said, grinning like an idiot and full of itself (in its humble opinion), "and I take from you lessens learned and dreams still in the making." "Yep, right," the old said, rising up, "and good luck with it. Mind how you go." The new year looked closely at its battle-weary predecessor and offered a comforting hand to the shoulder. "Rest now; you've done well." The old year stared straight ahead with its mouth in a grim line thinking, "Gawd, are we always this fancy and ridiculous in the beginning?" "Thanks," it replied after a second (in a tired, irritated voice). "Oh, and here!" the new squealed happily, lifting its cloak. "A gift for you - until you're recovered!" And the old year smiled for the first time in a while, looking down and seeing the Blessing of Endless Coffee waving up at him. "Like I said," the old year offered softly, taking its leave (and the Blessing, wrapped tightly in both arms), "good luck."

