In Memory of ...

In Memory of ...

"You off the chain, for REAL for real," a voice whispered into his ear. "Tick tick," Earl replied, shaking himself awake with a chuckle and then pausing (looking down at his chest). "Tick." He looked around at the others stunned, coming in for a handshake, for a bump, for a hug. "Who these boujee brodies?" he grinned, hand on his heart, and B.I.G was up in it (laying the base down). "No 4 walls can hold you," Tupac called out to him. "The light is might, and you lit as shit!" "LEGIT!" Nipsey yelled out, arms raised. And there was laughter in the house as the lights came up and thunder as the host rose to its feet.



In Memory of ...

In Memory of ...