Passing Words

In memory of …


The Stories Live On

I love tribute writing; it’s a simple and beautiful way to honor the dead and support the living. Known for my pieces on famous figures, I am now accepting commissions on micromemorials (memorials written in a microfiction story form; see the examples posted on the Home page) for anyone who wants or needs them. This is a fully inclusive service, across all beings (human and other) in every belief system or non at all. The pieces, once complete, are for you to use however you’d like (including publication); I’d simply appreciate a “commissioned from Tansy Undercrypt” credit go with them. A donation of USD 40.00 is requested, but more or less is fine.

If you would like to commission a Passing Words micromemorial, please reach out via my Contact page and let me know. I’ll send you a very brief set of questions for you to describe your loved one and talk about timing. Gone is not gone when memory is our constant companion.