

"The sky is ambivalent," Portos said, looking up with a smile, "with its happy clouds, wind, thunder, and lightning. None of that is personal." He drained his cup and waved to the barmaid that he'd take another. "But the sea?" Ekken prompted him, on the edge of making a decision. "Oh, the sea cares," Portos laughed. "It cares a great deal. Every siren, monster, and dread Davy Jones himself - they see the heart's longing of every sailor and call to it through life and beyond." A moment of silence passed between them and then Ekken whispered, "I will sign on. I will come with you." "The sea is relentless in its pursuit," Portos said gently, leaning forward to make eye contact, "and it will, eventually, have you." "Then let it come," Ekken said (more boldly). "I am tired of feeling forgotten on land.”



