Parent Day

Parent Day

"My dad is a lawyer; my dad is a doctor; my dad is a scuba instructor ... gawd, just kill me," Miss Comstock hissed into her coffee cup (hiding in the Teachers' Lounge). "Parent Day?" asked Mr. Larson, grimacing in solidarity. "Yep," she confirmed, stealing herself for leaving the lounge. "Hate Them All Secretly Day," Miss Comstock muttered, scowling and reaching for the door knob. Not disguising her profound boredom in a chair at the back of the room, Miss Comstock tolerated the first two presentations (not bothering to clap) until Timmy Breckford stood up. "So, weird, I know," he started, "but my dad is the Angel of Death (and he made a gesture)." Comstock leaned forward, truly stunned and amazed, as black mist solidified into a cloaked figure. A couple of the children whimpered, but she did not comfort them (truth to tell, she didn't mind the sound of tears). "Dad," Timmy started, "what part of your job do you like the best?" Death appeared to think a moment, then looked directly at Miss Comstock as he whispered, "The element of surprise." She wondered, instinctively, how much time she had left to practice being a good person.



