

Donna answered the soft knock at the door, quickly donning her face mask. Esther from two doors down was there, holding a welcome basket (her own mask secure). "The old ways are still the best ways," Esther said. "Welcome to us - this building, this village." "I can't believe this!" Donna replied excitedly. "I'm so touched! Honestly, this is the most wonderful thing!" "The traditional things are there, and some updates, too," Esther added, patting Donna's forearm with a gloved hand. "Enjoy, dear, and stay safe." Donna brought the basket into the kitchen and unpacked it. Bread and salt for food, matches for the hearth fire, a Mason jar of blackberry jam, a small half-bottle of homemade mead, a handful of even smaller bottles of gin, vodka, rum, and whiskey ("Who used to work stocking planes?" Donna wondered aloud, giggling), a book of poetry, a roll of toilet paper, two face masks, and a Ziploc bag containing metal bits. "Open carefully," the note said, and Donna did as instructed; laying out the odd pieces, she turned over the sheet of instructions. The diagram showed her how to assemble the rustic tamp hammer pistol, load it, and fire it (with some additional verbiage about aim). "Know when the full moon's coming," the notes directed (and suggested a website). "Be watchful three days before and three days after, but be ready on the actual day." Taped to an index card was a small silver bullet.



